Good evening, EMSD Families.
We hope you are well during this unprecedented time. As you know, we are currently in full remote learning. We moved to full remote learning because of the deteriorating situation in the community and region. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) changed their quarantine guidance to reflect 10 days for close contacts if there are no symptoms. Due to the potential increase of exposure over the holidays, we will return to in-person hybrid learning on Tuesday, January 12. There are no right or wrong answers during these uncertain times, but the Board of Education felt that taking 10 days beyond the holiday period would give our students and employees the best opportunity to return safely.
As a reminder for all families, please keep your child at home if they are exhibiting any COVID-like symptoms, if anyone in your household is exhibiting COVID-like symptoms, or if the child has had close contact with a positive or probable COVID-19 case. Also, please remember to bring the “Golden ticket” (parent certification form) each day your child attends school.
Thank you for all you do. This is truly a partnership between the school and family and the only way we can get through this year is by working together in the best interests of our students. We look forward to welcoming our in-person hybrid students back to school on Tuesday, January 12.
Yours for children,
Dr. Kristin Humphries, Superintendent of Schools